THE DEPARTMENT of Justice (DoJ) has ordered government prosecutors to enhance collaboration with complainants and law enforcement agencies during the build-up of criminal cases.

In a circular dated March 31 and made public on Tuesday, the DoJ said prosecutors should be available at all times to provide legal guidance and assistance in criminal cases.

“All prosecutors shall take an active role in the investigation of crimes covered by these guidelines, particularly during the case build-up stage where they may require, assist or otherwise cooperate with the complainants and law enforcement agencies,” it said. 

Prosecutors are also required to issue a certification if there is a “reasonable certainty of conviction” based on the evidence submitted. 

The DoJ said if a complaint is not supported by credible and sufficient evidence, it must be dropped to help clear court dockets. 

In February, the department directed prosecutors to file criminal cases that would lead to a reasonable certainty of convictionas part of efforts to ease jail congestion.

The DoJ also lowered bail for poor Filipinos to half of the recommended amount or P10,000, whichever is lower. John Victor D. Ordoñez