THE PHILIPPINE Senate on Wednesday approved a bill seeking to bar the production and use of chemical weapons in line with the country’s commitments to an international treaty on second reading.

Under Senate Bill No. 2871, the state is barred from developing, producing, manufacturing, and stockpiling chemical weapons, with the Anti-Terrorism Council tasked to oversee these wares.

The council will be designated as the Philippine National Authority on the Chemical Weapons Convention, with the Executive Secretary as chairperson.

The House approved a similar measure in January.

Under the bill, the Philippine government will also ban the domestic or cross border transfer of chemicals associated with chemical warfare without proper permits.

Individuals found guilty of developing, acquiring, stockpiling, retaining, and transferring chemical weapons would face life in prison, based on the measure.

People who are guilty of financing the development of these weapons may face at least 20 years of jail time and a fine of at least P500,000 up to P1 million. — John Victor D. Ordoñez