THE HOUSE of Representatives approved three measures relating to education on third and final reading on Monday, including one that aims to expand access to tertiary education. 

House Bill 10560 or the Universal Access to Tertiary Education seeks to expand the coverage of college and university subsidies to give more underprivileged students the opportunity to pursue higher studies.

Another proposed law that hurdled the lower chamber was House Bill 10555, the Free College Entrance Examinations Act, which would allow underprivileged high school graduates who are at the top of their class to take college entrance exams without paying the required fees.

House Bill 10561, the Enterprise-Based Education and Training Program Act, was approved with 203 votes. 

The measure seeks to establish a program focused on “practical work-related or workplace-related” skills, backed by theoretical instructions. 

It could be implemented by various institutions, including technical-vocational schools, private companies, industry organizations, and government agencies, among others. — Jaspearl Emerald G. Tan