THE GOVERNMENT partnered with Isla Lipana & Co./PwC Philippines for transaction advisory services as it constructs a Philippine General Hospital (PGH) branch at the Diliman campus of the University of the Philippines.

The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Center, which is working on the project along with the university, said in a statement on Friday that a notice to proceed was issued to PwC on March 16.

The construction of a branch in Diliman, first announced in 2017, includes a multi-storey tertiary care hospital, medical research center, ancillary facilities and commercial areas.

The project also has a clinical research unit for medical education.

The design and construction is government-funded, while operation and maintenance will be done by the private sector through a bidding process.

The PPP Center said the scope of its work with PwC is divided into three major phases: project feasibility and structuring, preparation of bid documents and management of the PPP bidding process, and assistance and advisory until financial close.

“The engagement of the consultant was made possible through the Project Development and Monitoring Facility (PDMF), a revolving fund managed by the PPP Center.”

The PPP Center said the project, which involves the construction and operation of the hospital on the university campus, will be designed according to Triple A standards.

PGH is a state-owned hospital in Manila operated by the University of the Philippines.

Isla Lipana offers advisory services as the Philippine member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers or PwC. — JPI