PHilMech completing tests on rice dryer prototype in Nueva Ecija
THE Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PHilMech) said it is close to wrapping up testing and development in Nueva Ecija of fluidized bed dryers, which it intends to distribute commercially to rice farmers.
“The current prototype model now has a bigger capacity and once commercialized, will be of great benefit to palay (unmilled rice) farmers, as much of the drying of their harvests is still being done on the road. During rainy weather, most palay farmers have a hard time drying their harvests,” PHilMech Executive Director Baldwin G. Jallorina said in a statement.
“One of the best features of the fluidized bed dryer is it results in the uniform drying of palay, which in turn assures the quality of the dried palay,” said Romualdo C. Martinez, project leader of PHilMech’s Agricultural Mechanization Division.
“Many farmers still dry their palay on the road and on pavements. This does not assure the uniform drying of palay unlike advanced drying systems like the fluidized bed dryer,” he added.
The prototype has the capacity to dry 20 to 24 tons of palay per 10 to 12-hours drying cycle. It uses heat generated by a biomass furnace or a diesel burner.
Two cooperatives in Talavera and Sto. Domingo are currently involved in the testing, evaluation and improvement of the dryer.
In December, PHilMech conducted a technology demonstration for the fluidized bed dryer in Sto. Domingo for farmers from various cooperatives. — Luisa Maria Jacinta C. Jocson