Cloud-based solutions support organizations in terms of collaboration and productivity during the current remote work challenges. As the usage of these tools continues to increase, so does the accelerating need for businesses to optimize security.

ESET, an Internet security provider, reminded the potential weaknesses of cloud services through its report on the Microsoft Exchange server attacks last March. Over 10 different threat actors or groups likely took advantage of this vulnerability chain, as identified by ESET researchers.

Such an incident tells organizations utilizing cloud-based tools to invest in advanced preventive protection from cyber threats. Promisingly, the introduction of ESET Cloud Office Security (ECOS) strengthens the defense for Microsoft 365, including Teams, OneDrive, Exchange Online, and SharePoint Online.

With its advanced preventive measures against malware, spam, and phishing attacks in a company’s work at the aforesaid cloud-based applications, ECOS, therefore, has a fundamental contribution to the teamwork and efficiency within the business.

Organizations rely on e-mails for communication, especially in a remote work setup. Issues like spam, suspicious or malicious attachments, and links to phishing sites can cause some troubles for the business and its employees. ECOS ensures the safety of every email delivered to a user’s Microsoft 365 inbox through an extensive inspection.

ESET’s award-winning antispam technology functions as the first layer that filters out spam messages with nearly absolute accuracy. The second layer is a malware scanner that detects malicious or suspicious attachments. Then the third layer serves as anti-phishing protection.

Aside from e-mails, business users also want a platform for their files that would decrease their cybersecurity concerns, which may also affect their productivity. With ESET’s powerful malware detection engine, all files uploaded to OneDrive, shared via SharePoint, or transferred via Teams are examined. ECOSputs a file in quarantine when identified as dangerous. This file is accessible only by administrators, thus protecting the users.

ECOS also has a simple, well-designed cloud console that can be convenient for administrators in their work. They get an overview of the quarantined items and receive an immediate notification when a detection takes place.

Administrators can glimpse at their company’s state in Microsoft 365 relating to security matters as well, which is viewable over a timescale of 24 hours, seven days, and 30 days.

ECOS provides such security details including license usage; the total number of protected users; the recipients of most spam, malicious, and phishing emails; and the top questionable accounts, groups, or sites on OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams. It also shows the spam, malware, and phishing traffic charts and the total number of detections.

Along with its role as the shield of organizations against cyberattacks, ECOS is also a scalable solution. It allows administrators to manage the security for 5 or more seats or more with its effective multi-tenant service. And while protection is its prime function, the configuration of ECOS can also match the company size and maturity of IT security staff.

Substantiating ECOS’ valuable capabilities, ESET reported this year that through several dashboards of ECOS, IT administrators and SOC teams spotted significant threat types that evaded the native security of the cloud-based productivity suite. Such threats, among others, include Word documents and emails containing various types of fraudulent content that are designed to steal account credentials or other sensitive information.

As more and more businesses use cloud-based resources like Microsoft 365 to sustain their operations, they must also add further security measures to ensure their business data kept safe. Cyberthreats can greatly impact the collaboration and productivity within organizations when their platforms became compromised.

ECOS functions to ensure that users can interact via Exchange Online, without the infuriating spams and phishing emails, share a clean and safe document to OneDrive, Teams, and SharePoint Online, and a lot more. It is a cost-effective, wide-ranging protective solution for establishments of different sizes. Incorporating layers of security in cloud-based tools can at least bring forth reassurance to the business in its maintenance and success.

To know more about ESET Cloud Office Security, send an e-mail to for a free product presentation and demo.