THE SENATE on Tuesday approved on second reading a bill establishing a program that would allow senior high school and technical vocational school graduates to earn college degrees through work experience.

Under Senate Bill No. 2568, the Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program would credit relevant work experience to school credits for a bachelor’s degree.

The bill would task the Commission on Higher Education to implement the program and to consult with stakeholders.

Applicants will have to be at least 23 years old, have completed a secondary school program, and at least five years of work experience in the industry related to the academic degree program they are pursuing.

“For many college dropouts, whose skills are not receipted by a diploma, the absence of academic credentials can and does lead to opportunity losses,” Senate President Francis “Chiz” G. Escudero said in his sponsorship speech in March. — John Victor D. Ordoñez