TECHNOLOGY company Microsoft announced on Wednesday that Filipino startup founders can take advantage of its Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub Platform, which is aimed at supporting them at every stage of their journey.

“With the launch of Founders Hub, we’re happy to see our services become democratized even further, allowing startups of all sizes to get started in their digital journey,” Microsoft Philippines Chief Marketing and Operating Officer Abid Zaidi said in an e-mailed statement.

According to the company, the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub Platform “will support founders in Asia at every stage of their startup journey with access to more than $300,000 in benefits including technology and tools from Microsoft and partners.”

They will gain mentorship and skilling opportunities with industry experts and training platform Microsoft Learn.

The Startups Founders Hub Platform, which is designed for early-stage startups, is seen to help entrepreneurs  innovate and grow “by connecting them with mentors who will provide them with industry, business, and technical support to guide them through their next business milestones.”

Founders will be given access to Microsoft Learn and various startup and unicorn programs. The objective is to help them build connections with customers and accelerate their growth, according to the company.

“Asian startups have already played a role in transforming the region’s economy,” said Jesus Martin, strategy chief at Microsoft Asia.

“Asian-born businesses have changed e-commerce, fintech, social media and gaming. They have given us SuperApps, which are changing the way we live.”

“We will continue to work with our partners and regional ecosystem to get technology and resources in the hands of startup founders in Asia to empower them to innovate and ultimately succeed,” he added. — Arjay L. Balinbin