LAWYER Ferdinand S. Topacio, legal counsel of fugitive and former congressman Arnolfo A. Teves, Jr., has accused Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin C. Remulla of “tampering with witnesses” in the cases against his client.

Mr. Teves, who was dismissed from the House of Representatives and is currently in Timor-Leste, is charged with multiple murder in connection with the killing of his political rival, Negros Oriental Governor Roel R. Degamo and nine other people in March last year.

“We have reliable information to the effect that, in the wake of the apprehension of two alleged conspirators in the Degamo murder case, Justice Secretary Boying Remulla, personally or through his personal direction, is already tampering with the said witnesses,” Mr. Topacio said in a statement on Wednesday.

He alleged that these witnesses did not have the benefit of their own counsel present and this situation was supposedly an opportunity for the Department of Justice (DoJ) to “pollute them by either intimidating or coercing them to testify against Rep. Teves.”

DoJ Assistant Secretary and Spokesman Jose Dominic F. Clavano, IV said in a Viber message to reporters that Mr. Topacio’s remarks are “completely misleading.”

“This case is more than just a case of multiple murder; it is a massacre of a sitting Governor. It is a massacre of innocent bystanders,” said Mr. Clavano. “The evidence is strong and we just want to finally be able to present it in court and have the court decide on the guilt of the perpetrator.”

He urged the camp of Mr. Teves to stop beating around the bush and face the charges before the courts. — Chloe Mari A. Hufana