AMID the uncertain times the world is currently plunged in because of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), adidas is moving on, finding creative ways to see its vision of changing lives by way of sports through.

The most recent of these thrusts are the live virtual sessions by the adidas Runners community in lieu of running sessions which are currently suspended to ensure the safety of its runners and the general public.

adidas Runners, which started as a running group in one city and is now an international community present in 53 cities all over the globe, including Manila, has put up a platform via Instagram to have their common fitness goal going.

To keep runners active, present, and connected during this time of COVID-19, adidas Runners captains and coaches from around the globe are leading daily live virtual sessions on the adidas Runners Instagram page.

The live virtual sessions are aligned with the group’s performance-focused pillars of movement, nutrition, mindset, and recovery.

In the virtual sessions, captains and coaches are holding strength training, HIIT, yoga, mobility, mindfulness, and nutrition sessions that encourage movement that powers the body and sparks the mind.

The sessions began on Monday, with adidas Runners Manila captain Jules Aquino leading the strength session. Other adidas Runners coaches were scheduled to lead sessions yesterday.

For more updates on the virtual live sessions, follow adidas Runners and adidas Philippines on Instagram. — Michael Angelo S. Murillo