Foreign HEIs operating PHL campuses granted SIPP perks

By Justine Irish D. Tabile, Reporter
FOREIGN higher education institutions (FHEIs) that establish branch campuses in the Philippines with local partners have been declared eligible for incentives outlined in the amended 2022 Strategic Investment Priority Plan (SIPP).
In a statement on Monday, the Board of Investments (BoI) said the changes to the SIPP were effected via Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2024-08 issued on Dec. 18.
Under the MC, FHEIs that establish campuses in the Philippines may now register with BoI and receive incentives, provided that the local partner is at least 60% Filipino-owned.
The incentives cover the development of education cities as well as branch campuses, the BoI said.
“The guidelines include provisions for the establishment of branch campuses in the Philippines, as defined under the Republic Act (RA) No. 11448 or the Transnational Higher Education (TNHE) Act,” it added.
With the MC in place, education cities — defined as the development of a contiguous area of education facilities and buildings with digital infrastructure — are now classified as SIPP infrastructure and logistics investments.
Such cities include research, healthcare, athletic, cultural, and art facilities, as well as the provision of auxiliary services that will enhance the educational experience for students.
BoI Industry Development Services Executive Director Ma. Corazon Halili-Dichosa said education cities will be classified as Tier-I strategic investments.
“The new guidelines will enhance opportunities for international collaboration that would facilitate access to expertise and knowledge relevant to global industry trends, empower students, and bridge the gap between academe and industry,” she added.
She said that the guidelines will support and incentivize the establishment of education cities and campuses, which the BoI considers its contribution to workforce development.
According to BoI, the Philippine population, which a median age of 26 years, makes it an attractive destination for investment and a reliable source of global talent.
“The inclusion of education cities and branch campuses in the SIPP will help nurture this talent pool while fostering international ties,” it added.
The Philippines produces 750,000 graduates every year, with 10-12% of them in engineering and technology courses.