CEBU PROVINCE is inviting bidders to challenge a P9.6-million proposal for an Integrated Solid Waste Collection and Waste-to-Energy Facility.

The facility has the capacity to process 1,500 metric tons per day. It will be constructed at a government-owned site in barangay Tina-an, Naga, Cebu.

The proponent to be subjected to a bid challenge is a consortium of Waste Management, Inc. and Amsterdam Waste Environmental Consulting & Technology B.V.

The province, through its Economic Enterprise Council, has released the guidelines for parties interested in mounting a bid challenge.

Eligibility requirements include at least 60% Filipino ownership for Securities and Exchange Commission-registered entities. They must also have completed similar or related projects within 50% of the proposed project cost.

Other requirements included minimum equity of P100 million, and no pending cases, with the provincial government and no delinquent taxes.

The application period will run between Dec. 16 and Jan. 5. — Luisa Maria Jacinta C. Jocson