Maximizing digital opportunities in the energy sector

Many industries face the simultaneous push for digitalization and decarbonization, and our energy sector is not spared from this. Leveraging digital technology is even...

The quest for sustained, inclusive growth

BusinessWorld Economic Forum 2024 tackles the socioeconomic imperatives to drive the country forward By Bjorn Biel M. Beltran, Special Features and Content Assistant Editor The quest...

The resilient growth and lasting significance of the Philippines’ manufacturing sector

By Mhicole A. Moral, Special Features and Content Writer The manufacturing industry in the Philippines continues to be a vital pillar of the national economy,...

Safeguarding businesses in the digital landscape

Strategies for cyber resilience in organizations By Jomarc Angelo M. Corpuz Strengthening the security and resilience of the country’s cyberspace is key in making an already...

Factoring the importance of sustainable power for economic development

By Mhicole A. Moral, Special Features and Content Writer According to consulting firm giant McKinsey & Company, the Philippines is considered as the fastest-growing economy...

87 years of ensuring a financially secured future for the Philippines’ civil servants

For 87 years, government-owned corporation Government Service Insur-ance System (GSIS) has played a crucial role in offering extensive insurance and social security to public...

Readiness to strengthen economic progress

By Angela Kiara S. Brillantes, Special Features and Content Writer The Philippines remains as a shining example of economic progress, with industries like infrastructure, telecom,...

Fusing style, sustainability, and innovation in modern vehicle design

Combining a comfortable and spacious interior and an aesthetic exterior defines modern vehicles, creating an all-encompassing experience that prioritizes style and comfort. In pursuit...

Gearing engine designs towards sustainability

With the buzz around automotive sustainability, the industry is at a crucial point. It is being driven towards adopting more sustainable practices that address...

A clearer direction towards a digitally secured space

GCash, cybersecurity bodies tackle safeguarding digital economy in BusinessWorld forum The foundation of a flourishing digital economy relies on two things: secure the cyberspace and...

Navigating ASEAN Digital Economy Framework Agreement negotiations

ASEAN’s path to global dominance in the digital economy By Jomarc Angelo M. Corpuz One of the silver linings of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic...

The advancement of providing a comfortable and safe driving experience

In 1896, the first recorded automobile accident occurred when a pedestrian was struck by a vehicle in London. The tragic incident highlighted the potential...