Home Arts & Leisure Three-dimensional proof of our ancient world

Three-dimensional proof of our ancient world

National Museum releases an e-book on PHL fossils

THE NATIONAL Museum of the Philippines has released an e-book on Philippine fossils — Fossils: Records of Prehistoric Life in the Philippines — as part of it’s #MuseumFromHome series.

The free publication introduces readers to fossil discoveries in the Philippines as represented by specimens from the National Geological and Paleontological Collections housed at the National Museum of Natural History.

It was written by Maileen P. Rondal, Jaan Ruy Conrad P. Nogot, Abigael L. Castro, Yloisa C. Magtalas, and Jiles Arvin A. Vergara, and edited by Ana Maria Theresa P. Labrador.

“As a young boy, I would often be drawn to fossil exhibitions when visiting natural history museums. This has made me curious about sites I would later visit while touring places — if there are fossils around, how old they might be, and what kind of living beings were around?” National Museum of the Philippine Director-General Jeremy Barns wrote in the publication’s Foreword.

“I have carried this fascination through even as a manager of the National Museum of the Philippines and have been privileged to ensure that fossils found in our country are protected and made accessible by exhibiting and writing about them,” Mr. Barns wrote.

The 86-page publication include information, images, and sketches of fossils of sea and horn snails, ammonites, elephants, fossil plants, and ancient tracks.

Fossils are defined as “the remains of ancient plants and animals preserved in rocks that are at least 10,000 years old.” It comes from the Latin word fossus, which meaning “something dug up,” since fossils are often found buried in rock formations deep in the earth.

The publication also discusses the geological time scale which scientists created to comprehend the complexities and to determine periods in Earth’s history. The scale comes in a color-coded bookmark as a learning aid while reading through each chapter.

“Fossils are three-dimensional proof of our ancient world and helps us imagine what life may have been like before our histories were written,” wrote the book’s editor, Ms. Labrador, who is also the National Museum of the Philippines Deputy Director-General.

The printed version of the book is expected to be released this year.  Download the e-book at https://www.nationalmuseum.gov.ph/publications/.MAPS