DON PAPA Rum is serving up the perfect post-pandemic treat with its newest online promo: #ExperienceSugarlandia. Three winners will get to go on a five-day eco-cultural experience for two in Don Papa’s home, Sugarlandia — better known as Negros Occidental.

“Negros Island is an island worth discovering, escaping to. Diving into local food culture and immersing oneself in the flora and fauna, we felt would be a great way to reenergize once this pandemic ends. And that’s why we were inspired to put this contest together,” Monica Llamas-Garcia, Head of Brand and Communications said.

Winners of the online contest will enjoy a five-day trip for two to Negros Occidental worth P80,000 once travel restrictions lift — expected by the brand to be around June to December of 2021. They will be treated to a guided tour of the Hawaiian Mill, ride a train through the sugarcane fields, visit ancestral homes like Hacienda Rosalia, and relax at Punta Bulata and Danjugan Island to name a few activities. Along the way, they also get to indulge in some of the most delicious dishes that the island has to offer, of course rum on the side.

To join the contest, one has to post a creative photo on one’s Instagram feed with a bottle of Don Papa Rum, Don Papa 10-year and include the hashtags #ExperienceSugarlandia and #DonPapaRum. The posts that best capture the Sugarlandia feel, will be chosen and the monthly winners will be announced on Nov. 15, Dec. 21, and Jan. 8, 2021. For more information about the online contest and to know more about Don Papa Rum, visit and follow the brand on social media @donpaparum.