COTABATO CITY — Fourteen more members of the Abu Sayyaf terrorist group in Basilan surrendered on Wednesday and pledged allegiance to the government, Governor Jim H. Salliman confirmed on Thursday.

Mr. Salliman, who chairs the Basilan Provincial Peace and Order Council, said the 14 men decided to return to the fold of the law through the intercession of the Army’s 101st Infantry Brigade, led by Brig. Gen. Alvin V. Luzon, and the new Task Force Orion headed by Major Gen. Ignatius N. Patrimonio.

The group also surrendered eight assault rifles, an M-1 Garand rifle, two M-79 grenade launchers and two 9 mm KG9 machine pistols to Mr. Patrimonio’s anti-terror task force that covers Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi.

“Credit for their surrender has to go to the Muslim religious community, the local government units in Basilan and the office of the provincial governor,” said Mr. Luzon, who witnessed their surrender in Barangay Tabiawan in Isabela City. — John Felix M. Unson