A GROUP of transport advocates on Sunday urged President-elect Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. to use technology and intelligent support systems to address public transportation challenges.  

Convened by the Filipino Society and Development Advocates, Inc., the group said the next government should consider smart city and sustainable mobility concepts, which promote ride-hailing services and other on-demand solutions.   

The government should also build more bike lanes, use technology-driven traffic monitoring and enforcement, and construct more commuter-friendly terminals for seniors and other vulnerable sectors, it added.   

According to the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the country loses an estimated P3 billion in economic gains daily due to Metro Manila congestion alone, and if not addressed, this value could balloon to P5.4 billion per day by year 2035,it said.  

We call for the use of intelligent technologies that promote good governance, efficiency in public services, and, most importantly, safer roads for the public.”  

The group noted that the state of traffic congestion in Metro Manila has returned to pre-pandemic levels as schools and offices have resumed face-to-face operations.  

Move As One transport coalition, another group, recently urged the Philippine government to promote and prioritize active transport and roll out an efficient service contracting program as the public transport sector faces supply and demand shocks.   

The transport sector is in a deadly spiral: Oil prices are skyrocketing. Drivers are losing their jobs as they cannot afford to ply their routes,the group said in a statement.  

Public transport supply is collapsing. More commuters are experiencing long lines, waiting times, and crowded commutes in enclosed spaces, and are at-risk for COVID-19.Kyle Aristophere T. Atienza