Home The Nation Community pantry organizer among 10 Rotary awardees

Community pantry organizer among 10 Rotary awardees


THE 26-YEAR OLD lady who set up a small bamboo cart for a give-and-take community sharing project amid the pandemic is among the 11 awardees of the 2020-2021 Rotary Golden Wheel Awards.

Ana Patricia Non, whose community pantry concept has been replicated nationwide, “best exemplify the Rotary spirit of ‘Service Above Self’,” said the Rotary Club of Rotary International District 3780 in a statement on Monday.

Ms. Non and Ferdinand Constantino are honored under the Growing Local Economies category. The other awardees are: Dr. Edith Tria, Josephine Barbin and lawyer Dorothea Gancayco, for Supporting Education category; Dr. John Michael Lao and Fr. Arthur Opiniano, for Fighting Disease category; Fr. Steve Tynan and Barangay Tanod Melodina Maximo, for Promoting Peace; Clarita Orlain, for Protecting the Environment; and midwife Leila Rebadomia, Saving Mothers and Children.

The award is presented by the Quezon City government and the Rotary Club of Rotary International District 3780.