A SUSPECTED bomb-maker of the Islamic State-linked Abu Sayyaf group was killed Saturday morning by police after allegedly resisting arrest based on a court-issued warrant.

In a statement on Sunday, Police chief Guillermo T. Eleazar identified the suspect as Aroy “Oroy” Ittot whom he described as “one of the trusted bomb-makers” of the late Abu Sayyaf leader Furuji Indama.

“During the service of Warrant of Arrest, the suspect fired upon the arresting team using his M16 rifle which prompted the operating troops to return fire that eventually led in the neutralization of Oroy,” Mr. Eleazar said.

The warrant was based on a murder case filed at a local court.   

The police recovered various guns and ammunitions, grenade riffles, and components for making improvised bombs.

The police said the suspect was involved in various bombing incidents in Basilan, including attacks targeting local government officials.