THE PROVINCIAL government of Lanao del Sur, which covers Marawi City, announced on Thursday that peace and security measures such as the ban on carrying firearms remains in place despite the end of the martial law declaration effective January 1. In a statement on its social media page, the local government said the military and police heads — Col. Jose Maria Cuerpo II, commander of the 103rd Brigade, and Col. Madzgani Mukaram, Police Provincial Office director — have ordered the continued implementation of checkpoints, curfew hours from 12:00 to 4:00 a.m., and the gun ban that includes licensed weapons.

Last Dec. 27, the multi-sector Provincial Peace and Order Council (PPOC) held a meeting wherein a resolution was passed calling for the continued enforcement of Proclamation No. 55, signed by President Rodrigo R. Duterte on Sept. 4, 2016, after Martial Law in Mindanao is lifted. The 2016 proclamation declares a State of National Emergency on Account of Lawless Violence in Mindanao. The meeting was attended by representatives from the police, military, Department of Justice, and line agencies; local government officials; traditional and religious leaders; and members of civil society and non-government organizations. Another resolution was passed during the meeting “to invite a leader of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front to be a member of the PPOC so as to help bring and maintain peace and community security in the Province of Lanao del Sur,” the provincial government said. Martial law in Mindanao was first declared by Mr. Duterte on May 23, 2017, the start of the siege of Marawi City, the provincial capital, by the extremist Maute group. The second extension expired last Dec. 31. — MSJ