CIDG given until April 30 to submit more evidence vs Espinosa​, others

THE DEPARTMENT of Justice (DoJ) on Thursday gave the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) and the Office of Solicitor General (OSG) until April 30 to submit any additional evidence in the reopened investigation against several high-profile drug suspects. The original complaint against suspected drug lord Peter Go Lim, self-confessed drug distributor Rolan “Kerwin” Espinosa, convicted drug lord Peter Go, and several others was dismissed in a resolution dated Dec. 17, 2017, but was later “vacated” by ex-Justice Secretary Vitaliano N. Aguirre and remanded to a new panel of prosecutors to give parties time to reinforce their sides. The new panel — composed of Senior Assistant State Prosecutor Juan Pedro C. Navera, Assistant State Prosecutor Anna Noreen T. Devanadera, and Prosecution Attorney Herbet Calvin D. Abugan — also instructed the OSG to submit on or before April 17 their comments on Mr. Lim’s request to have a separate preliminary investigation. — Dane Angelo M. Enerio

BAR results out on the 26th

THE SUPREME Court (SC) will release the 2017 Philippine Bar Examination results on April 26, according to the court’s spokesperson, Theodore O. Te. “The Court will meet in a special en banc session to deliberate on the results… after which, the 2017 Bar Exams Committee Chair Justice Lucas P. Bersamin will officially announce the results,” Mr. Te told reporters on Thursday. “Names of successful examinees will be flashed on screen at the SC quadrangle and also posted to the SC website,” he added. A total of 7,227 law graduates took the examination last year. — Dane Angelo M. Enerio