THE DEPARTMENT of Foreign Affairs (DFA) has served a complaint to the Philippine envoy in Brazil who was recalled after mistreating her Filipino domestic helper, Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro L. Locsin, Jr. said on Monday.

“The charge was served on her at 8:25 a.m. today,” he said in a social media post, referring to former Philippine Ambassador to Brazil Marichu B. Mauro. “I sent a memo to the President on it.”

Mr. Locsin said the DFA hearing panel’s report and charge will be reviewed by the Board of Foreign Service Administration and by him. “It shouldn’t take too long.”

On Oct. 30, he formed a fact-finding team that investigated Ms. Mauro after President Rodrigo R. Duterte gave his consent.

The team included Philippine Consul General in Sydney Ezzedin H. Tago, former Philippine Ambassador to the Netherlands Jaime B. Ledda, Philippine Ambassador to Oman Narciso T. Castañeda and lawyer Ihna Alyssa Marie Santos of the Human Resource Management Office.

Mr. Locsin did not specify the charges recommended against Ms. Mauro, who was seen repeatedly berating, slapping and pulling the ear of a female member of her household staff in a video compilation.

The worker had since returned to her home province in South Cotabato, where she had undergone a 14-day quarantine period for the coronavirus. She also received financial and legal aid from the DFA and Senator Juan Miguel F. Zubiri.

Mr. Zubiri earlier said Ms. Mauro violated provisions of the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees, Revised Penal Code and the Domestic Workers Act.

Mr. Locsin recalled the diplomat for questioning over the incident.

Presidential spokesman Harry L. Roque earlier said Mr. Duterte wanted justice for the worker as part of his campaign to protect migrant Filipino workers.

Mr. Roque said the DFA could recommend administrative and criminal charges against Ms. Mauro depending on the results of its probe. — Charmaine A. Tadalan