THE BASES Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) and Enterprise Singapore said they promoted New Clark City to investors from the information and communications technology (ICT) and smart city industries.

In a statement over the weekend, the BCDA said that together with Enterprise Singapore, they conducted a second round of business-to-business and industry-focused meetings with urban development leaders in Singapore.

Enterprise Singapore is an arm of the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Its mission is to support Singapore small and medium enterprises (SME) and boost enterprise development.  

The companies met by the BCDA and Enterprise Singapore include those involved in ICT, diversified environmental services, engineering, aviation solutions, and smart city technologies.

Some of the New Clark City projects pitched during the meetings include the common ICT infrastructure network, the data center colocation facility project, the New Clark City affordable housing project, the New Clark City estate and facilities management services, and the operations and maintenance of New Clark City’s sports facilities.

“As urbanization continues, we at BCDA understand that smart city technologies and public transport solutions are important in realizing a sustainable and inclusive future for New Clark City. We are very fortunate to partner with Enterprise Singapore who helps us forge connections with some of the global urban mobility and smart city leaders,” BCDA President and Chief Executive Officer Aileen R. Zosa said.  

“Through their expertise and experience, we will be able to embed global best practices not just in New Clark City but across all the infrastructure projects we are developing,” she added.

In September, the BCDA and Enterprise Singapore signed a memorandum of a understanding (MoU) on collaboration with regard to investment opportunities in New Clark City, technology exchange, and bilateral promotion of businesses.

“The MoU with Enterprise Singapore enables the BCDA to increase its understanding of emerging technologies and solutions used in urban development via knowledge sharing and awareness building activities. The MoU also facilitates access for Singapore companies and relevant stakeholders interested to partner in the development of New Clark City,” the BCDA said. — Revin Mikhael D. Ochave