HOLCIM Philippines, Inc. has converted about a million tons of waste into alternative fuels and cement raw materials through its waste management unit, the listed cement manufacturer and distributor announced on Monday.

“Our success in reusing discarded materials is further reducing our consumption of natural resources and carbon footprints. This also enables us to help industries and communities achieve their zero waste objectives,” Horia-Ciprian Adrian, president and chief executive officer of Holcim Philippines, said in a statement.

Through cement kiln co-processing, a waste management technology, the company said it was able to remove discarded materials away from landfills and helped 35 municipalities and cities across the country.

Its project unit, Geocycle, contributed to conserving virgin natural resources and avoiding high-carbon traditional fuels such as coal.

The company aimed to accelerate “circular construction” and help its industrial partners to reduce carbon emissions and manage wastes including non-recyclable plastics.

“We are excited to continue growing our co-processing operations to further contribute to building progress in the country,” Mr. Adrian added.

Aside from the project, Geocycle also conducted lectures on proper waste management for local governments and schools and participated in public forums to highlight the importance of conservation. — Sheldeen Joy Talavera