Multimedia Reporter

Last May 18, Huawei kicked off its three-day 17th annual Global Analyst Summit to discuss how the industry “can work together to weather the difficult times, achieve win-win outcomes, and accelerate the arrival of the intelligent world.”

Guo Ping, Huawei’s rotating chairman, shared business results of the past year. The company reported ¥858.8 billion (P6.1 trillion) in revenue, with a net profit of ¥62.7 billion (P445.6 billion). In order to help cope with Huawei’s inclusion in the US government’s entity list, they invested ¥131.7 billion (P936.8 billion) into their research and development, a significant 29.8% more than the amount last year. 

This investment and innovation falls into three domains: connectivity, computing, and smart devices. One of the technologies that the company is exploring, naked-eye 3D, displays capable of creating 3D images without the need for specialized eyewear, is believed to have great value in entertainment, healthcare, and education. It also has the potential to create a new market worth hundreds of billions of US dollars.

If accurate, this new technology, along with AI, Internet of Things, and 5G, will contribute to the digital economy estimated to be worth $23 trillion by 2025. “The ICT infrastructure is the cornerstone of the intelligent world… They will promote sustainable development, become new drivers for economic growth, and enable better consumer experience, smart cities, and industrial digitization,” said Guo Ping.

Huawei believes that this is possible only with continuous collaboration. “We now live in a highly-integrated, globalized world… there are more opportunities for cooperation than competition. Huawei calls for the industry to make certain efforts in strengthening IPr protecting IPR protection, safeguarding fair competition, protecting unified standards, and promoting a collaborative supply chain.”