AIA PHILIPPINES is reaching out to thousands of customers who have unclaimed benefits and maturities, it said in a statement on Tuesday.

“AIA Philippines…has reported it is seeking thousands of its policy holders and beneficiaries who have yet to claim their benefits ranging from policy maturities, reinstatements, claims, redemptions, and even refunds. Despite fervent efforts to contact its customers through registered mail, e-mail, callouts, and their agents, there are still a huge number who have yet to be reached,” the insurer said.

“We are making this campaign public in the hopes of reaching customers from many years ago — those who we have lost touch with amid changes in communications technology and who have bought their policies under our former brand, Philam Life,” AIA Philippines Chief Operating Officer Margarita B. Lopez said. The company was rebranded last year.

“We are doing this because we have a promise to fulfill — a promise that goes beyond passively responding when our customers make a claim. The promise of helping our customers live healthier, longer, better lives includes making sure these hard-earned benefits get to the intended recipients. We’re asking for everyone’s help in finding our customers or their beneficiaries so we can give them their benefits,” she said.

The company said benefits are often unclaimed due to loss of contact between insurers and customers. This may be because of a change in contact details, a customer’s lack of information on the insurance policy or when the insurer is not informed about the death of a customer, among others.

AIA Philippines said it is encouraging its clients to check if they have unclaimed benefits. This can be verified through this link:

Those who know people or beneficiaries who have yet to claim their benefits are urged to contact AIA, Ms. Lopez added.

Some P4.2 billion worth of claims were fulfilled by the insurer in 2021, over 40% more than the claims made in 2020, AIA Philippines said. Majority or 90% of these claims were for death, followed by critical illness and health and medical claims.

In 2020, AIA Philippines had the largest assets among life insurers with P291 billion, based on data from the Insurance Commission.

It ranked second in terms of net income worth P4.52 billion, and placed fourth in its net premiums amounting to P16.77 billion. — T.J. Tomas