THE HOUSE of Representatives should swiftly pass a measure seeking to make confidential and intelligence fund (CIF) spending transparent by opening it up to congressional oversight, a congressman said on Monday.

Party-list Rep. France L. Castro has asked the House leadership to expedite the approval of House Bill (HB) No. 7158, which was filed last year. Her call comes in response to what she describes as “intelligence blunders” within the government, as televangelist Apollo C. Quiboloy remains at large and the reported escape of dismissed Bamban Mayor Alice L. Guo from the country.

Mr. Quiboloy is facing sex and human trafficking charges while Ms. Guo is accused of having ties with illegal offshore gaming operators.

“Intelligence blunders are happening left and right,” she said in a statement.

“Over the years, hundreds of billions have been allocated to intelligence funds, but it seems these have merely become a slush fund, when they could have been used for education and social services,” she added.

The Department of Budget and Management allocated a total of P10.3 billion for CIF next year, Budget Secretary Amenah F. Pangandaman said in a statement. Of the amount, P6 billion will go to intelligence expenses while P4.3 billion will go to confidential expenses. — Kenneth Christiane L. Basilio