THE BUREAU of Internal Revenue (BIR) said that it will seize and file criminal cases against vape manufacturers and sellers that do not adhere to the use of mandatory revenue stamps.
“The BIR will now presume that any vape product not bearing BIR stamps to have not paid the required excise tax,” it said in a statement on Tuesday. “Violators of the mandatory internal revenue stamps on vape products will result into the seizure of the illicit vape products and criminal cases against the businessmen and possessors of those illicit vape products.”
Earlier, the BIR said that all vape products being sold in the country must bear the stamps starting June 1.
“Internal revenue stamps on vape products are now mandatory. Violators will not only suffer the seizure of their illicit vape products, the businessmen and possessors of these illicit vape products will also face criminal cases,” BIR Commissioner Romeo D. Lumagui, Jr. said. — Luisa Maria Jacinta C. Jocson