A PHILIPPINE senator has filed a bill that seeks to automatically adjust to inflation the financial aid given to civilian state workers.

Under Senate Bill No. 2673, which Senator Rafael “Raffy” T. Tulfo filed on May 14, the government’s monthly Personnel Economic Relief Allowance (PERA) will be doubled to P4,000 a month.

“The Personnel Economic Relief Allowance being granted to employees of the government shall be subject to an automatic yearly adjustment equivalent to any increase of the annual inflation rate in the country,” according to a copy of the bill.

The measure will cover civilian state workers in national and local governments.

A similar bill seeking to increase the allowance to P4,500 was filed before the House of Representatives in March last year.

In 2022, Senators Jose Pimentel “Jinggoy” Ejercito, Jr. and Mark A. Villar filed separate bills seeking to double the allowance to P4,000.

PERA, the government’s financial assistance program for state employees, was first implemented in 1990 and started at P900 a month. Congress increased it to P2,000 in 2009.

“In today’s context of high inflation and economic uncertainty, increasing and regularly adjusting PERA is vital to ensure that public sector workers are adequately supported,” Mr. Tulfo said in the bill’s explanatory note.

In the first four months of the year, inflation averaged at 3.4%, below the Philippine central bank’s 3.8% full-year forecast.

On Tuesday, Budget Secretary Amenah F. Pangandaman said government workers will get their midyear bonus starting May 15.

She told a palace briefing that a midterm report studying a wage increase for public servants is expected to be available by June.

“By increasing the PERA and instituting an automatic adjustment mechanism, the bill ensures that government employees can maintain their economic stability and continue to perform their duties effectively,” Mr. Tulfo said. — John Victor D. Ordoñez