DESPITE the rapid adoption of technological solutions, a human-centric approach is integral to any business aiming for customer success.

Kissflow CEO Suresh Sambandam told BusinessWorld its Community Platform aims to let users collaborate, which will be used by firms to improve their operations.

Kissflow, a SaaS (software-as-a-service) management solutions provider, designed the aforementioned product for companies to build their business around a customer community.

“The biggest value our Community Platform brings to customers is that they can help each other and can rely less on customer support executives,” he said, adding that the platform’s features allow companies to collect feedback, understand issues, and facilitate more encompassing types of discussions.

Customer engagement is one of the challenges that SaaS businesses encounter, Mr. Sambandam said, and building communities helps boost human-centricity.

“Well-managed communities can drive engagement, facilitate peer-to-peer learning, and convert customers into loyal brand advocates,” he added.

Kissflow is also rolling out its low-code platform for Asia-Pacific in the coming weeks to allow citizen developers to create applications at scale.

“By the end of this year, we aim to onboard over 25 channel partners in the Southeast Asia region who share our vision of supporting customers in accelerating their digital transformation journey,” Mr. Sambandam said.

In the Philippines, Kissflow has five channel partners, two distributors, and customers that include a retail chain, a bank, and an oil and gas corporation.

The company’s other offerings include a digital workplace platform that can integrate different tasks and projects like budget requests, advertising campaigns, and customer inquiries.

Founded in 2003, Kissflow’s name was derived from the principle, “Keep it simple, stupid.” Mr. Sambandam told BusinessWorld that the complexity of rule engines in the 2000s made him want to pursue the dream of democratizing rule-based computing and application development.

The post-pandemic SaaS landscape is bright, he said. The widespread adoption of the cloud has only expanded the utility of SaaS products.

“What SaaS is doing for business is the flexibility to choose solutions based on the [business’] needs and demands,” he added. — Patricia B. Mirasol