Mariel Alison L. Aguinaldo
Give a Hoot! is a podcast by Wiseowl, a strategy firm specializing in communication for social change, on the PumaPodcast platform. Targeting communicators and social change agents, the series aims to discuss relevant and timely topics that focus on and involve communication.
The hosts will do this by exploring “elements of communication, the range of audiences, current practices, and stimulating possibilities in the field”. Furthermore, they will be using actual events and campaigns to further illustrate their points.
Wiseowl needs helps in gathering funds to produce their first season, making a total of 5 episodes. They currently have 4 episodes planned out revolving around the following topics:
Wiseowl needs helps in gathering funds to produce their first season, making a total of 5 episodes. They currently have 4 episodes planned out revolving around the following topics:
- Call-out culture on social media
- How the masa, the country’s largest population group, consumes media (namely radio, tabloids, and online videos)
- Gen Z as the future of brands and movements
- Creative awards and their impact on social causes
Should funding exceed their current goal, the money will go towards the production of more episodes and community-building events.
Click through here if you’re interested to help or want to find out more about the project.