THE PHILIPPINE National Railways (PNR) North-Long Haul Inter-Regional Railway project’s feasibility study is set for completion by March next year, aligning with National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) approval timelines that could fast-track its realization.
“Based on our timeline, we are targeting to end the pre-feasibility study by this year or January next year,” Manuel Francisco Bretaña, project development officer of the Department of Transportation (DoTr), told Wednesday’s hearing of the House Committee on the North Luzon Growth Quadrangle.
Mr. Bretaña voiced out considerations for new railway alignments due to the limitations of the old PNR north railways for high-speed rails. The planning committee is exploring various land assets for right-of-way, emphasizing the need to accommodate the larger turning radius of high-speed rails, which the old PNR alignment may not support.
The North-Long Haul is an 800-kilometer inter-regional railway project that will connect the capital region to the northern reaches of Luzon.
Since it would connect the regions of Ilocos, Cagayan Valley, and Central Luzon, the railway project is also expected to link the Clark Freeport Zone, Poro Point, Laoag International Airport, Port Irene, and the La-lo Airport.
The railway will also be part of the Luzon Railway Network, the Subic-Clark Railway, and the South Long Haul.
The project is expected to reduce travel time and road congestion, as well as increase access to international ports, airports, and agricultural markets. — Beatriz Marie D. Cruz