THE DEPARTMENT of Agriculture (DA) plans to set up permanent KADIWA stores in Metro Manilas public markets, providing a stable venue where farmers can directly sell to consumers.  

In a statement on Monday, the DA said the plan is expected to ensure food availabilityin local markets while addressing the high prices of agricultural commodities. 

“One of the things we’re looking at is having accredited KADIWA retailers inside the market itself for the countrymen to have access to cheaper agricultural commodities — especially now that we have identified cooperatives that are ready to supply the market,” DA Assistant Secretary Kristine Y. Evangelista said in Filipino in a media interview on Feb. 10.   

KADIWA stores were rolled in various localities at the height of the coronavirus pandemic to facilitate access between growers and buyers amid mobility restrictions.  

The DA also said that it has asked farmer cooperatives, members of the private sector, and other agricultural stakeholders to take part in direct and effective food supply distribution system throughout the country.”  

To date, there are 308 KADIWA stores, pop-up stores, and KADIWA-on-Wheels, according to the DA Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service.  

Interested outlets and stores may apply as KADIWA-accredited retailers by submitting a letter of intent addressed to the AMAS Director or the DA Regional Field Office Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division (AMAD) Chief, along with the location and/or sketch plan of the store,the DA said.  

In line with the marketing linkage initiative of the DA, farmer cooperatives will also be directed to KADIWA outlets. Sheldeen Joy Talavera