DR. ARTURO S. DELA PEÑA, President and CEO of St. Luke’s Medical Center — FACEBOOK/@STLUKESPH

ST. LUKE’S Medical Center-Quezon City (SLMC-QC) completed on March 29 the first phase of its three-phase redevelopment plan, which involved the construction of a five-story parking structure with a roof deck, a hemodialysis unit, outpatient department (OPD) clinics, and outpatient operating rooms.  

The multi-level 14,000-square-meter structure provides more than 300 parking slots to augment existing parking facilities within the compound.   

“Phase 1 of the redevelopment plan aims to improve the quality of healthcare to SLMC-QC patients by addressing areas of improvement and building on our strengths,” Dr. Arturo S. De La Peña, SLMC president, said at the topping off ceremony. “Through this initiative, our patients will benefit from new and enhanced facilities that will cater to their needs.”  

SLMC declined to comment on the total cost of Phase 1.   

Phase 2, scheduled for completion in 2023, entails constructing house operation-related facilities, including a pharmacy, a sterile supply warehouse, and SLMC offices for nursing and engineering.  

Phase 3, scheduled for completion in 2025, consists of a new hospital building with healthcare facilities for various specialties, including nuclear medicine, oncology, and cardiology. It will also house the Intensive Care Unit, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Main Operating Room Complex, and ancillary and diagnostic services.  

“While we celebrate this milestone in SLMC-QC’s history, we know we can do much better through implementing our upcoming two redevelopment plans,” said Dr. De La Peña. “This is why we ask for support from all our stakeholders as we create a better patient-centered experience that SLMC-QC can provide.” — Patricia B. Mirasol