House panel approves bill allowing early retirement for civil servants
A BILL lowering the optional retirement age for government employees to 56 years has been approved by the House Committee on Government Enterprises and Privatization.
The still unnumbered Substitute Bill was written principally by ACT Teachers Representatives Antonio L. Tinio and France L. Castro.
The bill will amend Republic Act No. 8291, The Government Service Insurance System Act of 1997, which currently grants employees an option to retire at 60.
“While the… mandatory retirement age (of 65) remains, government employees should be given the freedom to retire earlier, especially those who are suffering from ailments and are in need of intensive medical attention,” the bill’s authors said in a statement on Thursday.
They said the measure will not deplete the workforce, as a majority in government service prefers to remain at work up to age 65.
“These civil servants dedicate 20, 30 years of their lives in the service of the nation. It is high time that the government heed their clamor for the option to retire at an earlier age in order for them to enjoy their retirement benefits for as long as possible,” Mr. Tinio said.
He noted the member of Congress from ACT Teachers have been pushing for the measure since the 16th Congress.
Ms. Castro said the measure has long been on the wish list of public school teachers.
“It is imperative that Congress listen to these government workers who have devoted their lives to honing the minds and nurturing the hearts of our youth, in spite of receiving meager salaries, working in underfunded schools and doing additional, usually unpaid, miscellaneous tasks.” — Charmaine A. Tadalan