THE Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) said it is planning to strengthen the links between agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) and their markets, particularly for those growing rice, corn, coconut, and livestock.

In a statement, the DAR said it also plans to digitize its land database.

“It’s about time that we further strengthen market linkage for our ARBs through the value chain so that they will be fairly compensated for their investments in farming,” Agrarian Reform Secretary Conrado M. Estrella III said.

Mr. Estrella said that helping the members of ARB organizations sell their harvests directly to the market or institutional buyers will maximize their earning potential and keep food production sustainable.

The digitalization project will cover the ARB registry, land grants, the status of land being subject to conversion, data mapping, and the profiling of the farmers’ crops.

“The improved database will serve as the repository of various information pertaining to agrarian reform program implementation where stakeholders can access official data as a reference,” the department said.

It also hopes to offer product development and standards training for agrarian reform communities to make their produce more commercially viable. — Luisa Maria Jacinta C. Jocson